Sunday, August 14, 2016

Mahmoud Darwish: The Poetry and Lies of the Left

Mahmoud Darwish 1941-2008, used poetry to spread a false anti-Israel narrative among the Arab people, a false narrative in which the Jews are the usurpers and occupiers of the Holy Land, in which Jews have no right to Jewish indigenous territory. And words are only words, except when they are used to incite the masses to violence.

Such as when Mahmoud Darwish, the “‘Palestinian’ national poet,” wrote things like,

The usurper’s flesh will be my food

Beware – beware – of my hunger

and my anger!

These words were meant to fill Arabs with rage. So full of rage, that they would murder Jewish Israelis. As such, Darwish’s poetry was neither beautiful, nor innocent, but evil. His poems were filled with lies. His words were meant to the twist minds and hearts of Arabs against their fellow man and to commit violence against them, against the Jews.

But Darwish was a darling of the left. Because the left cares not about substance, but about feeling. And it’s all selective.

Mahmoud Darwish flanked by murderers Arafat (left) and George Habash (right).

You won’t see the left quoting  Darwish when he talks about eating Jewish flesh:

 I will eat my oppressor’s flesh

Beware, beware of my starving

 And my rage

But you will see them quoting Darwish when he lies about the Arab connection to and longing for Jewish land:

I come from there and I have memories 
Born as mortals are, I have a mother 
And a house with many windows, 
I have brothers, friends, 
And a prison cell with a cold window. 
Mine is the wave, snatched by sea-gulls, 
I have my own view, 
And an extra blade of grass. 
Mine is the moon at the far edge of the words, 
And the bounty of birds, 
And the immortal olive tree. 
I walked this land before the swords 
Turned its living body into a laden table. 
I come from there. I render the sky unto her mother 
When the sky weeps for her mother. 
And I weep to make myself known 
To a returning cloud. 
I learnt all the words worthy of the court of blood 
So that I could break the rule. 
I learnt all the words and broke them up 
To make a single word: Homeland… 

Mahmoud Darwish: Feelings, Not Truth

No one cares if Darwish’s words are true. They point to them and say, “See! He feels—they feel—as strongly as the Jews feel about the land.”

As if it matters.

As if they really feel that way.

As if they really feel a longing for Jewish land and feel that it is theirs.

It’s a BIG. FAT. LIE.

They DON’T feel it’s theirs, the land.

They know better.

Mahmoud Darwish: Bani Isra’il

The Arabs know that Israel is Jewish land, because their holy book, the Quran, is shot through with references to Israel as the land that belongs to the Jewish people, the Bani Isra’il, Arabic for, “Children of Israel.”

Moreover, the Arabic word for Jews is “Yahud.”  Yahud is a reference to the tribe of Judah, and the land this tribe inherited: Judea. Judea is JEWISH LAND. It’s the place that Jews come from. Their own Arabic language contains this very pertinent fact. And no flowery poem can negate this very pertinent fact.

When the left tells you the Arab yearning for the land is no different from the Jewish yearning for the land, this too, is a lie. It’s a lie designed to bring balance to a story of imbalance.

The fact is that the Jewish people were exiled from their land on this very day, two thousand years ago. The Jews were exiled by usurpers and occupiers. There were many of them through the ages.

The Arabs now occupying Jewish land are just the most recent incarnation of the many usurpers and occupiers of Jewish land.

And people who give weight to Arab pretensions to yearning for a land that was never theirs, are enablers and inciters of terrorism. They enable Arab violence against Jews by pretending that anything Arabs feel is as valid as actual historic and legal rights. They enable Arab violence against Jews by pretending that what Arabs claim they feel is what they actually feel and think. They enable Arab violence against Jews by attempting to understand why Arabs commit violence against Jewish people.

They enable Arab violence against Jews by pretending that a two-state solution will stop the violence of the Arab people against the Jews. They enable Arab violence against Jews by boycotting products made in the heartland of Jewish indigenous territory, such as Yehuda, Judea, the place from whence even the Arabs know, the Yahud hail.

A Jew who tries so hard to understand the Arab terrorists that he or she undermines Jewish rights to Jewish territory must be filled with self-doubt, self-hatred. And those who listen to them and are swayed by them, endanger themselves and their own people.

Without a doubt.

Do not let that be you.

Mahmoud Darwish: Pretty Little Lies

Especially not on Tisha B’Av, the day Jews mark the destruction of  the Jewish Temples, in the heart of Jewish Jerusalem, which led to two thousand years of a longing to return, in a time long before there was an Arab people, or a man named Mohammed/Mahmoud.

Artist: Francesco Hayez 

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